Worksight Blog


NYC Non-Profit Design

Gala Event Save-the-Date Card

Save-the-Date card to draw supporters to this fundraiser in New York City using empty frames to reference missing children. Empty frames are used as a motif throughout the promotions for this NYC gala event, from website advertising to gala journal.

Healthy Heart Series Icon Redesign

Healthy Heart Series is an organization that educates people (predominantly women) about heart mortality rates and the complications that lead to cardiac arrests. Their goal is to reduce the disparities in heart disease among various groups through education, outreach, prevention, and intervention.

BJTBronx Street Banner

BJTBronx street banner created for this proud commercial district that Worksight designed the identity for—see the full campaign.

Presidential Campaign Logo

Visual identity project for Innocent, a candidate running for the presidency of Gabon in Central Africa. The mark at the right of the name is the map of the country and the year, which can split off and be used on buttons, etc.

Voting Campaign

Mount Sinai voting campaign to promote early voting. Created for internal screen projections and posters, this piece ties iconic medical treatments to a checkmark as a kind of mashup to support the statement.

Write to Shine Non-Profit Logo Design

Non-profit logo design for an educational startup helping middle and high school students learn to express themselves through writing.

Lower East Side: People’s Credit Union Annual Report

Online report for the LESPFCU including charts and graphs and highlighting their new mobile banking (cargo van) created as a mockup. See the full report.

Online report for the LESPFCU

St. Michael’s World Apostolate, Bayside, Queens

The 0 in 50 doubles as a halo in this 50th-anniversary campaign logo for St. Michael’s World Apostolate in Queens, NY. Blue (purity) and Red (passion) are the colors associated with the Virgin Mary, as is gold for a 50-year celebration.

Graphic Translation

Graphically translating a drawing (for an app icon promoting a STEMI catheterization aid) to line-based vector art begins with a reductionist lens on your eye. The outlines, gone. The inconsistencies in line weight, gone. the gradation, gone. What we’re after is power by the simplest means.

Back Covers

There are times when I like the back cover of a publication that I’ve designed even more than the front cover. It may be that back covers have fewer restraints assigned, allowing more freedom for compositional play. In any case, this is a back of a report I designed a few years ago; enjoy.